Matthew Lush begins his profile with a disclaimer: "I really don't care what you think about my views, cause they are just that: MY views." Fair enough. Then why does he proceed to insult anyone who disagrees with his views? These include smokers, drinkers, non-vegetarians (you are stuck in the past) among others. Why does someone who apparently promotes freedom of expression so avidly attack those who disagree with him by throwing obscenities at them?
1) Matthew insults anyone who smokes. As he has never been addicted to tobacco and therefore has no first-hand experience in the hardships of quitting, his condemnations sound ignorant and even ridiculous.
2) Matthew discourages the use of any "un-natural" medicines. He has obviously never experienced chronic pain and therefore has no knowledge of how invaluable modern medication is.
3) Matthew supports homosexuality and groups that identify "real men" and "real women" as those who are either gay or engage in semi-intimate activity with those of the same sex. If a straight or “non-gay” individual were to promote advertisements that featured straight people being, in some aspect, superior to gay people, they would immediately be labeled as homophobes or "gay-bashers". This is a hypocritical attitude and needs to be re-examined.
4) Matthew blames societies ignorance of his organic cures on, I quote, "...your lousy ass government." Apparently the government in place is faulty and we are responsible for it. Is the "your" here encompassing everyone who disagrees with Matthew Lush?
5) Matthew says the number one cause of death in America is heart disease. This is debatable, but it beside the point. Matthew blames these deaths largely on meat, since he claims it causes obesity. Too much of anything can cause obesity. It is erroneous to place the blame on meat.
6) Matthew Lush not only promotes a vegan lifestyle, but declares outright that anyone who eats meat is a cruel person because they are indirectly contributing to the inhumane methods by which animals are slaughtered. This argument is offensive to meat-eaters and common sense itself. Using the same logic, if Matthew Lush even so much as reports a crime, he is contributing to the inhumane treatment of convicts by fellow prisoners and their guards. (Think about it.) In addition to this, anyone who has researched the matter knows that if the entire population of the world became vegans (Matthew's dream) billions would starve. There is simply NOT ENOUGH ARABLE LAND. When you take into account the swamps, deserts, mountains, Antarctica, and the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, you are left with 11% of arable land. That is a fact, and no amount of grisly photos showing the horrid treatment of butchered animals will change it. Even if this problem were not existent, who would pay the annual food importation fees that some nations - like the UK - would be forced to pay? Their already shocking six-billion (UK pound) annual fee would rise alarmingly when they could no longer rely on their livestock population to feed them! Is Matthew Lush going to pay to feed all these people? I think not.
I could go on about how eating meat and meat-related products is completely natural and prove how our present brain size and nervous system are a direct result of our ancestors devouring enormous amounts of animal fat; I could remind Matthew that on his vegan diet, his B-12 level will drop dangerously low without the supplements and/or fortified foods that he consumes - without which his nervous system will deteriorate, leading to insanity. Instead I will only remind him and everyone else who reads this that I am not here to discourage the support of good causes. I am here to encourage the support of valid causes. The goal of turning everyone vegan is unrealistic and even dangerous. Instead, Matthew should concentrate his energy and charisma toward more admirable goals - like promoting alternate, more humane methods of killing animals. Our current means is unquestionably harsh; find a better one and I will support it.