Friday, November 24, 2006

Matthew Lush

Matthew Lush begins his profile with a disclaimer: "I really don't care what you think about my views, cause they are just that: MY views." Fair enough. Then why does he proceed to insult anyone who disagrees with his views? These include smokers, drinkers, non-vegetarians (you are stuck in the past) among others. Why does someone who apparently promotes freedom of expression so avidly attack those who disagree with him by throwing obscenities at them?
1) Matthew insults anyone who smokes. As he has never been addicted to tobacco and therefore has no first-hand experience in the hardships of quitting, his condemnations sound ignorant and even ridiculous.
2) Matthew discourages the use of any "un-natural" medicines. He has obviously never experienced chronic pain and therefore has no knowledge of how invaluable modern medication is.
3) Matthew supports homosexuality and groups that identify "real men" and "real women" as those who are either gay or engage in semi-intimate activity with those of the same sex. If a straight or “non-gay” individual were to promote advertisements that featured straight people being, in some aspect, superior to gay people, they would immediately be labeled as homophobes or "gay-bashers". This is a hypocritical attitude and needs to be re-examined.
4) Matthew blames societies ignorance of his organic cures on, I quote, "...your lousy ass government." Apparently the government in place is faulty and we are responsible for it. Is the "your" here encompassing everyone who disagrees with Matthew Lush?
5) Matthew says the number one cause of death in America is heart disease. This is debatable, but it beside the point. Matthew blames these deaths largely on meat, since he claims it causes obesity. Too much of anything can cause obesity. It is erroneous to place the blame on meat.
6) Matthew Lush not only promotes a vegan lifestyle, but declares outright that anyone who eats meat is a cruel person because they are indirectly contributing to the inhumane methods by which animals are slaughtered. This argument is offensive to meat-eaters and common sense itself. Using the same logic, if Matthew Lush even so much as reports a crime, he is contributing to the inhumane treatment of convicts by fellow prisoners and their guards. (Think about it.) In addition to this, anyone who has researched the matter knows that if the entire population of the world became vegans (Matthew's dream) billions would starve. There is simply NOT ENOUGH ARABLE LAND. When you take into account the swamps, deserts, mountains, Antarctica, and the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, you are left with 11% of arable land. That is a fact, and no amount of grisly photos showing the horrid treatment of butchered animals will change it. Even if this problem were not existent, who would pay the annual food importation fees that some nations - like the UK - would be forced to pay? Their already shocking six-billion (UK pound) annual fee would rise alarmingly when they could no longer rely on their livestock population to feed them! Is Matthew Lush going to pay to feed all these people? I think not.
I could go on about how eating meat and meat-related products is completely natural and prove how our present brain size and nervous system are a direct result of our ancestors devouring enormous amounts of animal fat; I could remind Matthew that on his vegan diet, his B-12 level will drop dangerously low without the supplements and/or fortified foods that he consumes - without which his nervous system will deteriorate, leading to insanity. Instead I will only remind him and everyone else who reads this that I am not here to discourage the support of good causes. I am here to encourage the support of valid causes. The goal of turning everyone vegan is unrealistic and even dangerous. Instead, Matthew should concentrate his energy and charisma toward more admirable goals - like promoting alternate, more humane methods of killing animals. Our current means is unquestionably harsh; find a better one and I will support it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing more hypocritical, narrow-minded, and idiotic than Matthew Lush is his fanbase. Bravo on the rant, MattyP.

4:04 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Thanks bro. I can't check out your link though.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey if you dont like him dont waste your time talking about him you losers!God get a life!

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not that he wants the whole world to starve... it's that he wants people to stop being so crewl to animals. if u ask anyone who is jewish and all, they support non-animal crulity. And Matthew Lush isn't all that bad. He supports gay marriage because if two people really love each other they should be married and it shouldn't matter what sex they are. if the government is trying to make it illegal, it's kinda like makeing love illeagal. if you want to diss gay god, get to know him before you encourage others to hate him as well as you do

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe that he never said he hated gay god? all he said, and it makes A LOT OF SENSE, that maybe matt should put his efforts toward a less cruel way of killing animals.

every thing this guy said makes sense. no the world can't become vegan. yes we would starve. yes the group that says real boys kiss boys and real girls kiss girls is terrible to say that because straight people are real too.

this has NOTHING to do with getting to know matt lush. you are really ignorant and need to be put back through middle school.

and don't accuse me of hating because i adore him. but maybe he should put his efforts toward realistic measures such as stopping the cruel killing of animals.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew should concentrate his energy and charisma toward more admirable goals - like promoting alternate, more humane methods of killing animals.

You're completely missing the point here. He is promoting the idea that we should not kill animals for food, fair enough, the way people do so is cruel and inhumane, but still, they should not be killed for food. Every single being on this earth is given the gift of life, which should be taken away from them if say somebody fancies a ham sandwich. Humans are animals too, just because we are more intelligent does not mean we are right. We are much more cruel and unfair than other animals, yet we are not hung up in slaughterhouses and murdered for food. Speciesism sucks.

12:50 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

"Given the gift of life"? By whom? God? If so, then your creationist belief stems from the same Bible that clearly gives man the right to eat animals. If not God, whom or what? Evolution? This demands survival of the fittest which is exactly what man fullfills by eating animals. My argument is neither of these, but stems from your own circular reasoning. You say we are equal with the animals. In that case, we should be allowed to eat the animals since they feed on one another all the time. Instead, you use your superior intelligence to claim an equal footing with the animals, and then simultaneously demand a system of morality that sets you above the animals. This is ludicrous and should be re-considered.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"1) Matthew insults anyone who smokes. As he has never been addicted to tobacco and therefore has no first-hand experience in the hardships of quitting, his condemnations sound ignorant and even ridiculous."
"2) Matthew discourages the use of any "un-natural" medicines. He has obviously never experienced chronic pain and therefore has no knowledge of how invaluable modern medication is."
"3) Matthew supports homosexuality and groups that identify "real men" and "real women" as those who are either gay or engage in semi-intimate activity with those of the same sex. If a straight or “non-gay” individual were to promote advertisements that featured straight people being, in some aspect, superior to gay people, they would immediately be labeled as homophobes or "gay-bashers". This is a hypocritical attitude and needs to be re-examined."

8:30 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

1) Agreed, no one should have to. But do NOT blame the "government" for peoples addiction. People need to take the responsibility for their own actions and addictions - I do.
2)I use "un-natural" medicines daily for my four existing back conditions. There is NO WAY to cure my spinal problems - trust me - and the pain is directly related to the conditions. I would love to permanently alleviate the pain, but that is impossible without directly addressing the root problem - hence the medication.
3) First of all, do not pretend to know what I want. Second of all, I don't care what gay people do - I just do not want them shoving their sexual preferences down my throat. And simply because a lot of people hate gays DOES NOT IN ANY WAY justify Matthew Lush promoting ads that protray gays as superior to heterosexuals. And don't pretend homosexuality is natural either, because you wouldn't be alive today if it was. Take a biology class, and we will be on the same page.
4) I refuse to answer this last remark until you read and respond to all the problems I proposed about the vegan diet (it is unnatural, canNOT be universally accepted, and is deadly without the supplements that vegans do NOT get from their diet.) Also, placing animals on the same moral level as humans is ridiculous. Read my last post about this. And how can you have the audacity to condemn human beings for killing animals without simultaneously supporting an equal system of "right and wrong" for the animals? If I am guilty of murder for killing a squirrel, then a lion is guilty of murder for killing an antelope, and snakes should be imprisoned for striking children. But no, you have the blatant ignorance to demand that I give animals the moral respect and civil standing that you do not in turn impose upon them! But in order to stop this killing among animal kingdom, you and Matthew Lush will have to propose a vegan diet for animals. This is ridiculous, I know, but it is the ultimate result of your own destructive logic.
I do NOT twist Lush's words. I merely expose them for what they are - mainly, the rantings of a confused adolescent.

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree absolutely with mattyp. Lush has such a naive perspective on our current society and his 'apparent' morales lack alot of required sense. His view that those who consume meat are contributing to the cruelty of animals via the SUPPLY-DEMAND theory is the most fucking stupid thing i have ever heard. The economics of any industry is so much more complex than a simple statement of 'as demand increases, so does supply'. It is this generalist and quick-to-blame attitude that twists the opinions of many uninformed individuals all over the world. If the situation of a meat-eater contributing indirectly to animal cruelty is, in Lush's eye, so correct then doesn't that imply that every single individual who uses a product which contains animal ingredients is a cruel son-of-a-bitch who is contributing to animal cruelty? LOOK AROUND YOU. Nearly every single product that you consume in your daily activities utilises animal ingredients in some sort of way directly in the product's chemical composition or it's production process. Sure, synthetic chemicals instead. But isnt the use of synthetic chemicals in products (i.e. in MODERN MEDICINE) perceived as 'unnatural' in Lush's case? I bet the next response would be 'We'll use plants and other organic material instead!'. Well fuckers, I live in Australia and in case you haven't noticed, we are in the worst drought that we've ever experienced in the past 100 years. Does it look like we can direct what's left of our water reserves to grow plant material in our dead and saline soil so we can be more 'natural'? Vegans THINK that turning into a vegan is so simple. It's not. We live in a very economical world. Being a vegan is just not economical. Simple. You cannot say that is economically viable OR economically efficient to suggest that we should divert the global economy's entire catalogue of resources to produce organic commodities (which would mean practically clearing every single hectare of rainforest on the earth's surface to facilitate the agriculture). We might as well fucking live on the moon and devote earth to growing corn for us to eat. The main problem with vegans is that their lifestyle is based upon principles. Principles differ across individuals in different situations. Let all the vegans consider this situation: If a Sudanese farmer and his family were cultivating a herd of cattle on their poverty-stricken land so that they may derive some sort of meager income to feed themselves, would YOU, as a vegan and your principles, deprive your fellow human being of their right to a livelihood and their basic existence so that you can feel good about saving an animal?

7:08 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Exactly. Communicating with his fan base is incredibly difficult though - mainly because of shallow immmaturity that promopts them in the first place to be supporters of someone and something which they have virtually no knowledge about.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's just a kid, he hasn't had enough worldly experience(besides myspace) to base his assumptions on. i have no problem with people being vegan coz it's their choice but it is quite dangerous in my opinion to go without supplement because meat is the primary if not only source of some quite vital nutrients without synthetics.I don't even know what he thinks is so wrong with synthetics! their not hurting any squirrels...unless you throw the bottle at it and it stops you from DYING so whats the problem.I don't eat much meat myself, fish if anything, but when i do eat it it's from the organic farmers market and they make a living from providing produce that aren't encaged for fucking years or kept in the dark for their entire lifespan.My family owns a cattle farm and i go their most weekends to see my grandmother.The cows seem pretty fucking happy to me! we brush them, feed them, treat them for parasites and everything then they get free roam of the huge amount of land we have. i would like to see anyone tell me were being cruel, because they would have to have been recently smacked in the head with a lamb to believe that.I love you matty but just research before you start pointing the finger okay.

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^^^^^ by robot jizz check me out

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have lots of valid points. But the one about animals being more sustainable is not true. Modern farming techniques make it more worthwhile to use land to grow crops rather than using it for a grazing pasture. My uncle is a farmer, and it really does take so much more land to rear cattle than to grow cereal crops.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nowadays millions of people starve because of meat eaters. think about the "third world" population.
do you have any idea of how much water and how much food is wasted to feed the animals that you eat? animals that shouldnt even be there, as men breed them just so people can eat them.they're so many more as they should have been normally in nature.
also, the forest and the envoirment are being damaged to bring a piece of death on your plate!
i am with matthew lush's beliefs all the way.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is soo hott!

5:33 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Heart-plant, you are right, animals take up more land, but they be raised on land that we can't grow food on. Think about it, all they need is grass-land, but grass does NOT mean the land is arable for sufficient farming.
(Just curious, how much more land in general do animals use versus plants? I don't know the exact stats.)
As for ANONYMOUS, first of all have the stones to leave your name. Secondly, you make no valid points. Animals eat grass, you moron. Are you pissed off because that horse is getting your grass or what? Provide some factual basis for your argument like Heart-plant is. You idiot.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok its his veiws so dont go an judge him because u dont his views to be logical...

if he choses to get mad because other people arnt like him then thats his business...
u people are so steriotypical...

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fags are nasty.

matthew lush is fucking nasty.

he's going to hell and can eat all the organic shit he wants when he gets there.

5:27 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Anonymous said: ok its his veiws so dont go an judge him because u dont his views to be logical...

if he choses to get mad because other people arnt like him then thats his business...
u people are so steriotypical...

You are an "anonymous". First of all, learn how to type, you moron. Your sentences don't even make any fucking sense. Sure, it's his business, just like it's my business if I call him an illogical little dip-shit with less life experience than a bed-ridden groundhog. I am stereotypical? Mmm-k, not really sure what that is referring to, but good argument. Keep it up and I will be happy to rip you yet a third ass-hole.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done, Matty P. You raise some extremely valid point that are well supported with irrefutable evidence. It's about time someone pointed our the hypocritical flaws in Lush's utopian dream -- and so eloquently, too.

11:01 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

I do what I can...

1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew Lush is amazing.
He has great views. and just because you are to stubborn to take in his views and listen to what he has to say, doesn't mean you have to bash on him. He is making thousands of lives better.
there are many more people that care about and respect Matthew Lush then hate him.
I, for one, LOVE him to death. He is my role model. He is my IDOL. He is going to change this world. One MySpace and and YouTube subscribe at a time. Just you wait and see.

If any of you really care about reading ALL OF HIS VEIWS and NOT just these SELECTED portions then add Matthew Lush and become a better person.

7:13 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

It is amazing that your only defense against my arguments is to tell me how much you love him. I am too stubborn to take in his views? No, I am too logical to buy into the stupidity of a child.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send a message to 'contact myspace' and tell them to take him off of their server. He's an idiot.

1:34 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Haha I wish

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

matthew "lush" smith is a fake little insecure boy who turned his insecurity into fame. i went to the same high school with this little bitch. he insults everyone who isn't him basically. people thank him on youtubr for giving them the courage to come of the closet. this little fake motherfucker should not be the reason anyone did that. he did things like stalk a friend of mine, then make a fake screen name and instant message her voyfriend, thinking he could get away with it. turns out she was right there with her boyfriend, reading the whole conversation. he's not right in the head. he is an abomination.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He also insulted me on my myspace telling ME? to stop spamming. WTF. Everyone spams on his page. he TELLS people to spam his page. I was even gonna buy one of his shirts. Now I'm thinking otherwise.

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person that said he's a fag and needs to die, go kill yourself and do the world a favor you ignorant piece of shit.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on my opinion.. i love matthew lush
he inspires many people to get healthy
no he does not insult people who smoke , are not veg, etc.
because me and my friends have talked to him over the phone before and he is nothing like you have said.

1:34 PM  
Blogger jaimie said...

Okay, I would just like to point out the fact that everyone has an opinion.
I am not entirely sure if you have all forgotten this or not.
You are all entitled to your opinions, and the government has not taken away our freedom of speech just yet, so you are entitled to posting your opinions where ever you want.
In my opinion it is good that you all try to encourage your point of views, and make the world a better place or whatever.
I find some of Matthew Lush's ideas (in perspective) pretty intelligent, in yet I agree with a few of "MattyP"'s views also.
I wish people would stop being so closed minded, and then turn around and yell at other people for their views.
Seriously, ranting is not going to change people like Matthew Lush or his "fans"'s views, all it is going to do is anger them.
So, go ahead, waste your time "expressing your ideas" to random people around the world, over the internet; if that is how you want to live your life, then so be it. I don't blame you, i spend atleast 25% of almost every day on the internet, merely because I am not old enough to drive, my mother is never home, and I am bashed for being a lesbian at school.
But seriously, everyone needs to stop bashing other people simply on their beliefs, because its unethical, and wrong. (Had to add unethical since we seem to be talking alot about ethics.

6:13 AM  
Blogger jaimie said...

Being bashed does not offend me what so ever. It's just, you can't really hang out with people who don't want to hang out with you.

1:04 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

To the "anonymous" friend of Matthew Lush: Matt said, "If your so fond of the taste of flesh, go eat some babies with those other sick fucks in China." He's not insulting anybody, huh? I think he just equivocated meat-eaters with eating babies. It is called "Reading and Comprehension" - try it sometime. And how can he say that meat does NOT make the world go round. Apparently he has not looked into how many people would starve if they could not eat meat. Davo had a GREAT point when he reminded us of people who do NOT have the luxury of being wealthy enough to have a vegetarian life-style - like a starving person in a third world country. Grow up and try looking outside your bubble of stupidity.

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's hawwwwwt! x10000
full stop.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admire how strong his beliefs are, but...he sounds so self-righteous and at the same time defensive, and I feel really uncomfortable reading his profile page.
'I believe I can help better this corrupting society' noble of him.

Totally agree with what Matty P says, there isn't enough arable land to support a completely vegan society. There are humane ways to farm animals, and not everybody who eats meat has a forked tail and breathes fire.

The people who say that veganism is the best way to go probably haven't been to a country where a lot of people don't actually have enough to eat in the first place.

Lush is probably fairly well-off - and that's obviously not a bad thing, communism doesn't work - but maybe he should take into consideration that while he may be able to afford to choose what he does and doesn't eat, many people can't.

And yes, we know that he's hawt and all that. To be honest, I don't think he'd be half as influential as he apparently is if he wasn't so good looking.

Although he does admit that he uses his appearance to his advantage somewhere on the page, so he's not all bad.

Two final things which annoy me, and then I'll stop ranting because it's not very nice and I should probably be telling all this to him...

1. 'If your so fond of the taste of flesh, go eat some babies with those other sick fucks in China.
( That is not directed at Chinese people in general, its the ones that eat babies and put pictures of it all over the internet )' - he tries to disclaim it, but why on earth mention China in the first place?? Is China suddenly synonymous with 'baby-eating monsters'? Being of Chinese origin myself, I was pretty offended.
Maybe he's trying to be funny or witty or something, but doesn't realise that he might upset someone. And I use the Internet a lot, but never have I come across a picture of anyone eating a baby.

2. I wish he would spell properly.
'your' instead of 'you're', 'could of' instead of 'could have'... and he swears a lot too.

I think it's going to be a while before he transforms this world into his idea of a Utopian society.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you read Matthews blog, you'll see he doesn't put any chemicals in his body.. yet he goes on to say, in a survey, he loves Starbucks coffee. If I'm not mistaken, caffeine is an addictive chemical. His actual quote is Starbucks=life.
He preaches peace and love, yet hates his family, again his words, not mine. Bangs on about virginity and "saving yourself", and yet goes on to boast about the casual sex he has.
Against chemicals, yet he bleaches his hair... The list of his hypocrisy is endless. I thought he was pretty cute until I delved a little deeper into what sort of a person he REALLY is.


11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think matt lush is hypocritical and has no right to say the things he says on myspace, if someone doesnt agree or follow what he does he insults them - So what if they eat meat or smoke? everyones different.

Its human nature to eat meat. If you want to be vegan or vegitarian fair enough, theres nothing wrong with it as there is nothing wrong with smoking, its what you choose to do and im sure people who smoke are aware of the health risks.

If matt wasnt so far up his own arse and was more respectfull of people with different lifestyles and opinions then i would give him credit for the good things he is aiming to do.

On myspace, i dont know if anyone has noticed, but, he says he doesnt like the way he why does he pose and take so many pictures of himself ?

I couldnt agree more with what mattyP posted. I dont care what you think, but alot of what matt lush says is aload of bullshit.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me only say this; B-12 is not an issue because if you do some damn research instead of being a smartass you'd know you can get it in vegan food. And it's been proven enough already that if the whole world went vegetarian, there would be twice as much food. What a cow eats before it's slaughtered would feed a fucking family for years. Please buddy, we don't live in a cave for quiet some while now, believe it or not.

12:40 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Okay, what vegan food. And try to provide me with some kind of evidence when you say "it's been proven enough" cuz otherwise you just sound like an idiot. Cows can be raised on unarable land - that's and that you CANT grow crops on fucktard. And I'm not sure about the living in a cave for "quiet some time now" part. What's your point, Cpt Obvious?

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cow eats before it's slaughtered would feed a fucking family for years. Please buddy, we don't live in a cave for quiet some while now, believe it or not.

Yeh, people are really fond of eating tonnes of grass. And how the hell do you work out there will be MORE food
if the world went vegetarian? There will be a massive surplus of animals overrunning the planet, and a colossal food shortage.
3/4 of the world already live in abject poverty.. why not add to the problem by taking one of the main food constituents of the human diet straight out of the equation.

"It's been proven"? Well, show me where, because as far as I can see, you, along with Matthew Lush, are talking out your collective arseholes.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a great criticism of Matthew's page - one that I mostly agree with. I mean, I guess it's good that he supports LGBT issues and that, but he seems so pompous and hypocritical as regards veganism etc. that I don't think he deserves as much support as he gets. I can't help but feeling that his attractiveness might have something to do with it...

7:49 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

"something" definitely

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, Matty, I agree with pretty much everything you've said on here (I feel the same way about Mr. Lush, that embarrassment to the gay community), except this, which I just HAD to comment on:

"And don't pretend homosexuality is natural either, because you wouldn't be alive today if it was. Take a biology class, and we will be on the same page."

Not natural? Then what is it, a choice? I know firsthand that THAT isn't the case. Secondly, what does that have to do with lack of reproduction? Which would only apply if the entire population were homosexual, and even THEN artificial insemination would still be an option. Just because homosexuality isn't universal doesn't mean it isn't natural (I don't see how it could be UNnatural, since it occurs in nature, as humans aren't the only species to exhibit homosexual behavior). It's simply a trait, like eye color, which only some people share.


11:14 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Good points R.A., but artificial insemination, by its very name, unnatural - it's artificial. And yes, I believe it is definitely a choice. Of course, as you say, you have "firsthand experience" whereas as my experience is limited to only observations. However, in my observations, it has come to my attention that MANY "gay" people suddenly go straight again. Were they wrong all that time? What about all the people "experimenting" or bi-sexuals? While I respect your opinions and your sexual preferences, I maintain that they are only that - preferences. Is a girl who has sex with her friend in college and enjoys it but decides she likes men more only partially gay? It is simply a sexual act, as much as those who engage in beastiallity or necrophiliacs - I am not saying gay are like necrophiliacs, only that they both start with a choice - conscious or unconscious.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, sexuality is all about attraction, not just who you have sex with. Homosexuals are only attracted to members of the same sex, while bisexuals can be attracted to either. People who experiment, usually, are straight, but are curious when it comes to sexual activity with the same sex. "Gays" that suddenly go straight again are (a) ashamed of being attracted to the same sex and try to put on the guise of being straight, (b) are straight but were just experimenting, or (c) are bisexual but decide to stick with just sexual activity with the opposite sex.


2:31 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

I disagree. Sexuality - especially in an extreme case like necrophilia - is not always about attraction. Also, it seems to me that the word "decided" is very important in your last case. A bi-sexual person that "decides" to have sex with only people of one sex is making a conscious decision, not controlled by a hidden gene. By the way, I have heard both sides of the "gay gene" theory and I am curious if it is true. Do you know anything about it?

3:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well.. what I was getting at was the fact that I did indeed go to school with Matthew "Lush" Smith. Yea, I said Smith.

He is nothing but fake. Anyone who knew him personally could tell you that and it makes me sad to see all these little 14 year olds drooling over him and deifying him. It makes me sick.

3:16 PM  

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