Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Years!!!.............fuckers............

Well. in just under eight hours me and my homies will be welcoming in the New Year with high fives, butt slaps, and toasts. I can say to them at 11:59, "See you next year!" and then moments later truthfully say, "Whoah! Haven't seen seen you since last year, dogg!" and then everyone will laugh and say, "That MattyP is a silly bitch....." and they will probably be right. But amidst all the hooplah and whoopdie-doo, I will be maintaining a tradition that I started years ago: I will think back on all the unexpected, shocking, and sometimes sad developments that no one expected when they eagerly counted down the seconds and wished all their friends, "A Happy New Year." It's the sort of thing you don't think about much when you're young - at least I didn't. There just wasn't that much going on in my life back in the day. But think about this last year for a minute: how much has changed since January 1st 2005? I'm not talking necessarily on a national level (who the hell expected parts of the US would be completely destroyed in a series of freak hurricanes?) but on more of a personal level. How much has your life changed? Have you made some awesome friends that you can't imagine your life without? Have lost some awesome friends you couldn't have imagined your life without? Did you move to a new town full of new people? Change majors? Change religions? These are just things that no one expected to happen but that drastically change our lives within a mere 365 days. It's a sobering and sometimes very saddening thought for me and I wonder, "What new changes will this year bring? Do I want any changes? And will I be ready those which are inevitable?" On that note: Happy Holidays Bitches!! Peace...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sheesh... this blog is one of the worst among the worst. You guys are fucking weird. Fucktard.

1:25 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Well anonymous, I might actually take you seriously if you weren't a little bitch without the balls to even leave a name. Fucktard? C'mon dude, what the fuck does that even mean? It's hard to feel insulted when you don't even use real words.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As if you are that good with the word fuck. It's my problem if i wanted to use the word fucktard. Get a life man. You ain't nothing but a loser hiding in the little room along with your fucking pc, blogging shit for people to read. Remaining as Anonymous is my right, not yours. Hope you get yourself burn hard in hell, you little faggot.

11:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, MattyP, you now have this guy/girl/both who wants to have a conversation. Or maybe not. Since he is hiding behind the who anonymous "right" that he has!! It is funny that he is going to call you names, and you have to take him seriously, but he doesn't want you to know anything about him...except that he is as sad as you are..."nothing but a loser hiding in the little room along with your fucking pc, blogging shit for people to read"

3:29 PM  
Blogger MattyP said...

I don't understand. How do I get myself "burn hard in hell"? Do you want me "burned bad?" Or "hardly burned"? No that wouldn't make any sense because you obviously hate me for no reason and "hardly burned" isn't bad at all.... Nope, still not feeling insulted. Fucktard and now this. Try saying something about my Mom. That always puckers up my butthole.

10:41 AM  

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