Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Confessions of a Blogging Moron

All right, confession time. I like gay, midget porn.... with sheep. Yes, there nothing that turns me on quite like the sight of a little man humping a male sheep doggy-style shouting, "Oh yea ba-a-a-by!!"All right, I'd to take this time to apologize for the nightmarish visual that instantly popped into everyones head. And make my real confession. I have a Hot or Not account. Since probably all of you are unfamiliar with this particular website, let me explain what it is. This is an account where lonely/bored men and women of all ages post there pics and profiles up for anyone to see and ogle - or look away in horror from. One can peruse through variuos photos, rating the pics on a scale of one to ten, one meaning you should where a plastic bag over your head - very, very tightly - and ten meaning you are tomorrows next Covergirl. One can also peruse through the Meet Me section, selecting the members that you think are exceptionally attractive - or they have a great personallity, blah, blah, blah... and then you hope that they click on you in return and lo and behold, a cyber relationship develops to some degree, depending on how much money and time you are willing to invest in this stranger. So.... the question is, how did I get caught up in this mesh ofLoser Love? I wouldn't say I was lonely - I live with 49 other people in college - nor would I say I was particularly bored. No, I think honestly, I was mostly just curious to see what my average rating was - what did the average human being think of my egg-shaped mug? So ultimately I suppose I was driven by the basic, instinctive love of myself - and, oh yes, I love myself.
Funny story though.... I took my twins pic and posted it up along with a really bullshit profile just for the hell of it - oh and yea, I went and clicked Yes I'd Like to Meet You on every woman above seventy that had their pic posted. He was not happy with his results next time he checked his profile. And I said, "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Oh, me.......
Oh, remember the post I made a while back about how so many people think I'm gay? Ok, so just for the hell of it - seriously, just for the hell of it - I selected to meet only gay males and then selected every face that popped on the screen for the next like minute. And yea, I got like thirty positive responses. Thirty!!!!. Thirty gay men somewhere out there want my face - or my ass. And that's disturbing....


Blogger Kirsti said...

Someone's been spammed then. You will give me the url to your hot or not account immediately. Because I? Just found out I'm gonna be fucking tight for money next year. And I need a share up. And I'll hook you up with my gay friend, promise

3:31 AM  
Blogger Kirsti said...


3:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Matty...GET RID OF ALL THE SPAM COMMENTS!! You can do it!

4:47 AM  
Blogger MattyP said...

Thankyou. You are not as big of a sissy anymore. Now your more like Robin Williams Sissy than Richard Simmons Sissy.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Kirsti said...

HEY! Robin Williams is the manliest of the manly! COME ON! The man is COVERED in manly fur! He has more hair on him than PDH has on his ass. And that's alot y'all!

12:49 PM  
Blogger JeannaBelle said...

i love spam comment-blocker things, but what the heck! How is a dyslexic person like myself supposed to pass one of those things? My pas one was as follows: ppqft

3:01 PM  

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