Cool Movie
So I just watched a really cool movie. Four Brothers. That's the name. There's something about movies with brotherskicking ass in it that I really like - probably because I have six brothers and I can jsut really identify with the brotherly interaction and ass-kicking that occurs in movies like this and others like Boondock Saints - another kick-assingly-good flick. Growing up with so many brothers definitely teaches you how to kick ass - and get your ass kicked - without crying like a little bitch that just got his ass kicked. (By the way, word of the day in kick ass, ass kicking, and ass-kickingly-good, in case you didn't notice that. Sometimes though, I wish I had a sister. I think at least one sister would have been cool. Then I wouldn't be so awkward around girls and have such a hard time thinking of stuff to say and feel like such a loser all the time. Instead I had brothers, and the only sibling interactions I had was..... ass-kicking. Oh and Blog-surfer never kicked my ass. He's just a big sissy - a big Lady-in-Red-listening-to sissy.
What about sisters kicking eachother's asses?
Yea, that's a lotm funner to watch, you're right.
O matty...women falling all over you, your big bro a do have vivid dreams don't you?
Oh, I could take you... and I said woman aren't falling all over me. Which is why I stay up late at night and cry myselfto sleep while listening to Celine Dion.
oh, you guys!
I\'m not scared of anyone...
Except maybe Kirsti\'s mother. I\'ve heard things...
I would love Kirsti's mother.
Kirsti's mother is the leader of the Mother Mafia, I'm certain of it. She's tough shit. Except when she's riding shotgun when I'm driving.
Yes and that is why I would love her.
Well then..? "you write I write"
Let's see it then
I think you're totally hot.
And I think you're hella sexy.
So there.
Thought we already went over that?
But thank you
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